Mestres de Reiki da Europa vem a Portugal conhecer o projeto Aprender a Ser

ACR de Fornelos – Aprender a Ser

Representantes de vários países

O projeto de Reiki nas escolas de Portugal tem despertado o interesse e curiosidade em vários países do mundo, pois Portugal é pioneiro com este tipo de projetos de Reiki nas escolas.

Representantes da Holanda, Suiça, Alemanha e França estiveram em Portugal para perceberem como funciona o projeto Aprender a Ser nas nossas escolas.

A ARCJ escolheu uma escola mais a Norte a ACR de Fornelos em Fafe para mostrar como está o projeto a funcionar.

A emoção de sentir o Amor destas crianças

No meio de sorrisos e muita emoção à mistura, fica a certeza que Reiki é muito importante nas escolas.

Jojan Jonker que fez o seu doutoramento em Reiki, escreveu na sua página:

Last week, Berthy CambierMarian Boers and her son Sem, Mischa Vögtli-EgloffRené Vögtli and I were on a Reiki tour in Portugal offered by the amazing Reiki Master couple Silvia Oliveira and João Magalhães.

…. And we visited an elementary school where Reiki is offered to children (age 4-6 I estimate) in a very successful way as developed by Silvia. We visited 4 classroom where every group showed us something else, like how they work with the precepts presented in a video of look-a-like animals of the Lion King cartoon, how they exercise breathing techniques, how they treat themselves while laying on the ground, how they send Reiki in a natural way for children, how they give a Reiki shower, ….
It was amazing to see how children in a very natural way get to know Reiki and can integrate it into their lives and benefit from it! The picture shows how we received a Reiki shower. Each child passed us where the final act of the ritual was that they put their little hand on your heart. Belief me … it was very touching for all of us …. In another classroom, a little girl asked if we also teach Reiki to parents. We said yes and asked why she asked it. She said that her parents had a lot of stress and that she wanted her parent to experience calmness. I almost broke my heart, and made me realize that we have a duty to give Reiki, not only for the current generation but also to and for the next generation! 